Interior Design Franchise - Partnership SOLD BY MEL VAZ for $1mil.

Congratulations to Keith, Anita, Kurt and David on a successful closing! We wish you many years of success and a fruitful partnership. It was a pleasure working with all of you. I truly appreciate the opportunity.

This deal also could not have been completed without the hard work of Jim Aloi, Nathan Goldstein, David Bernikow and Sandi Schneider.

The pandemic introduced a big hurdle in getting this deal completed. The original offer was accepted back in February 2020 and everything was humming along until the pandemic. This business requires in person contact for installations within private residences. That being said, I never gave up on the deal and neither did the buyers or sellers. Having a solid core business and reasonable parties on all sides makes all the difference in the world when you are trying to come up with fair and reasonable solutions.

20 years of experience on Wall Street and Main Street also helped.

Do not be discouraged by the current environment. There are golden opportunities out there right now. Don't let fear keep you on the sidelines. A deal you make today could set you up for the rest of your life.

If you have ever thought of buying a business or selling your business, or just wondered what your business is worth, contact me today!

Melvin L. Vaz
Vested Business Brokers, Ltd.
631-767-0157 Cell
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