How to be an Educated Business Buyer

1.  I want a transaction to make sense for both buyer and seller.  I recommend that all buyers carefully review our buyer registration form before signing anything.  Feel free to ask questions.  This reduces confusion and/or mis-communication for both of us.    

2.  All of my seller clients will be asked to sign a business profile form in which they attest that all figures they have provided are true and accurate.  I cannot make any representations toward the accuracy of any figures because I do not own or run the business.   I expect sellers to be honest as it is in their best interest and that of the potential buyer.  Any inflation of numbers is to the detriment of all parties.  I highly recommend that all potential buyers use an accountant to help in reviewing financials for their own protection.  

3.  Remember, some sellers keep better records than others, but most are doing their best to keep accurate records.  These are hard-working business owners that have spent countless hours trying to build something for themselves and their families. 

4.  You can choose to use a broker or not, but at the end of the day buying a business may be one of the biggest decisions you make in your life.  I mean this in terms of financial spending and quality of life.  Finding a reputable broker can help you save many hours, weeks, or months in trying to locate opportunities that may make sense for you.

I tell all of my buyer clients to be methodical in their due diligence (review of all the seller's information) and make sure that they are comfortable with all details.  If not, do not buy the business.  There will always be another business that comes along.

If you wish to learn more about me and clients I have actually worked with, please take a look at any of these links:


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